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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Calculate Sequebce by Using Iterative Function

Jeliot Program to calculate the Sequence by using the Iterative Function
import jeliot.io.*;

public class hitung {
    public void input(){
    System.out.println("tentukan nilai n:");

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Comparison of Sorting Algorithms

Recently, I have translated a variety of sorting routines into Visual Basic and compared their performance...  I hope you will find the code for these sorts useful and interesting.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Typical data sequences for testing sorting algorithms

There is not "best sorting algorithm" for all data. Various algorithms have their own strength and weaknesses. For example some "sense" already sorted or "almost sorted" data sequences and perform faster on such sets.  In this sense Knuth math analysis is insufficient althouth "worst time" estimates are useful.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Quicksort Algorithm

Having struggled to follow the recursive calls to quicksort and partition I have modified the code to include the calls to both functions, displaying the order in which the array is in at each stage.

Monday, May 2, 2011


class template
Vectors are a kind of sequence container. As such, their elements are ordered following a strict linear sequence. Vector containers are implemented as dynamic arrays; Just as regular arrays, vector containers have their elements stored in contiguous storage locations, which means that their elements can be accessed not only using iterators but also using offsets on regular pointers to elements.

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