#include <iostream>
// Function that adds to integers and returns the result.
int add(int num1, int num2)
return (num1+num2);
int main()
// This variable will hold our return value
int returnValue;
// Call the inline assembler
// Note that the standard code in C/C++ to achieve the same
// result is simply "int returnValue = add(16, 10);".
// Push parameters on to the stack (arguments pushed in
// right to left order using the standard cdecl calling convention)
push 10
push 16
// Call the add function
call add
// We should now restore the stack pointer. We have pushed two
// values on to the stack, each element on the stack
// takes up 4 bytes (32 bits), so we need to increment
// the stack pointer 8 places.
add esp, 8
// The cdecl calling convention puts the return value in the EAX register
// so we move the value stored in EAX into our returnValue variable
mov returnValue, eax
// Output the result
std::cout << "Return value = " << returnValue;
return 0;
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